Facultatea de Chimie/Departamentul de Chimie Organica, Biochimie si Cataliza si Departamentul Scoala Doctorala  in colaborare cu Academia Romana si Societatea de Cataliza din Romania, organizeaza in perioada22-24 Mai 2012 workshop-ul intitulat "Chemistry and Target Identification of Natural Products

Bucharest, Aula of the Romanian Academy, 125 Calea Victoriei, Bucharest, Romania.

The aim of this workshop, funded by COST, is to improve the collaboration between groups engaged in natural product synthesis and biology. The field of chemical biology has emerged since many biological questions can only be addressed using small molecules that interact with biological systems in a defined manner. In this regard natural products are unique tools to probe the functions of important proteins. 


Mai multe detalii pe site-ul workshop-ului: http://www.unibuc.ro/COSTActionCM0804/index.htm

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