Studentii Facultatii de Chimie si Inginerie Chimica din cadrul Universitatii Babes-Bolyai, organizeaza in perioada 6-10 aprilie 2022, in format hibrid, conferinta internationala „Studenti pentru Studenti”.
“We are delighted to invite you to participate in the 18th edition of the International Conference “Students for Students”, hosted by the Chemistry Students Organisation and the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca.
This year we will adopt a hybrid format, meaning that you can participate either on-site or on-line.
The participation fee is 30 euro.
The two main sections for oral presentations are Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. For on-site participation, there is also a section where you can present your research in the form of a poster. If you choose to participate on-line, you can apply for the poster section in the form of a flash presentation.
! Note that for on-site participation the EU COVID Vaccination Certificate or an equivalent vaccination certificate is mandatory.
If you choose to participate on-site the four-day accommodation and daily meals are provided by the organisers.”
Registration form:
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