
Deadline for submission is 01.04.2025. All submitted files should be in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format, see details for abstracts format below.

The abstracts should be submited via email to romcat@chimie.unibuc.ro.

Please specify in the "Subject" field of the email the word "Abstract". Please specify in the e-mail text which type of presentation do you prefer (Oral or Poster).

If you have questions regarding abstract submission, please use the e-mail address



Abstract format

Extended abstract
Paper size: A4
Length: 2 pages
Margins (left, right, top, bottom): 2.5 cm 
Title: Times New Roman 14p bold centered
Authors: Times New Roman 12 pt left justify
Affilation: Times New Roman 12p italics left justify, corresponding author email, presenting author underlined
Heading: Times New Roman 12p bold 
Text: Times New Roman 12p full justify
Figure caption: Times New Roman 12p
Referances: Times New Roman 10 pt


.doc form


Abstract receipt will be notified within days by e-mail. In case you do not receive this confirmation please contact the Secretariat.

The Organizing Committee and the International Advisory Board reserve the right to accept contributions, decide on oral or poster presentation, and possible re-assignment to a different session.


The official language of the Conference will be English.





