Fees for Conference

Ordinary participant: 300 EUR (1500 RON) 
Students and PhD students: 150 EUR (750 RON)
SCR members: 200 EUR (1000 RON)
Accompanying person: 125 EUR (625 RON)*

No Fee for Summer School!!!!

The number of seats is limited to 20, on a first-come, first-served basis!




For payment use the following accounts:

Banca Comerciala Romana (BCR)
Sector 6 Branch 
6C Timisoara Boulevard, BUCHAREST, Romania


Account owner: Societatea de Cataliza din Romania

ACCOUNT in RON (romanian lei) : RO15RNCB0077050243730001 
ACCOUNT in EUR (euro) : RO85RNCB0077050243730002 

* Fee includes social events.



