Proiect MATNANTECH 204(403)/2004

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   Stadiul valorificarii rezultatelor stiintifice


Stadiul valorificarii rezultatelor stiintifice


  1. Thermal behavior of some new acrylate complexes as a criterion in their selection for further co-polymerization reaction
    Mihaela Badea, Rodica Olar, Dana Marinescu, Gina Vasile, J. Therm. Anal. Calor., 80 (2005) 683-685.
  2. Thermal behavior of some new complexes bearing ligands with polymerisable groups
    Mihaela Badea, Rodica Olar, Dana Marinescu, Gina Vasile, J. Therm. Anal. Calor., 85 (2006) 285-288.
  3. Thermal Stability of some new complexes bearing ligands with polymerizable groups
    Mihaela Badea, Rodica Olar, Dana Marinescu, E. Segal and A. Rotaru, J. Therm. Anal. Calor., (in press, reg. no. 8031)

Comunicari, conferinte

  1. Thermal behavior of some new complexes bearing ligands with polymerisable groups
    Mihaela Badea, Rodica Olar, Dana Marinescu, Gina Vasile, Stefania Stoleriu
    7th Mediteranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis, MEDICTA 2005, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2-6 july, 2005, poster PI-1, Book of abstracts pg. 52.
  2. Antibacterial and antifungal activities of some new acrylate complexes
    Mihaela Badea, Rodica Olar, Dana Marinecsu, Veronica Lazar, Ramona Cernat, Carmen Balotescu
    CMI Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2-5 April 2005, poster P1149, Book of abstracts pg. 361.
  3. New biospecies with antimicrobial activity
    Mihaela Badea, Maria Nicoleta Grecu, Rodica Olar, Dana Marinescu, Veronica Lazar, Carmen Balotescu
    Materiais2005 - III International Materials Symposium and XII Portuguese Materials Society Meeting, Aveiro, Portugal, 20-23 March, 2005, poster P69, Book of abstracts pg. 239.
  4. The synthesis and the characterization of some new coordination compounds with unsaturated polimerisable ligands
    Gina Vasile, Rodica Olar, Dana Marinescu, Angela Kriza, Mihaela Badea
    2nd International Aegean Physical Chemistry Days, Ayvalik, Balikesir, Turkey, 7-10 October, 2004, poster, Book of abstracts pg. 25.
  5. La synthèse et la caracterisation spectrale et biologique du combinaisons complexes avec ligands mixtes (acrilate, 2,2’-bipyridine)
    Mihaela Badea, Rodica Olar, Dana Marinescu, Veronica Lazar, Carmen Balotescu, Coralia Bleotu
    CoFrROCA - Le quatrieme colloque Franco-Roumain de Chimie Apliquee, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 28-30 Juin, 2006, poster, Book of abstracts pg. 61.
  6. La synthèse et la caracterisation spectrale et biologique du acrilato combinaisons complexes
    Mihaela Badea, Rodica Olar, Dana Marinescu, Veronica Lazar, Carmen Balotescu
    CoFrROCA - Le quatrieme colloque Franco-Roumain de Chimie Apliquee, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 28-30 Juin, 2006, poster, Book of abstracts pg. 63.
  7. New antimicrobial complexes bearing ligands with polymerisable groups
    Carmen Balotescu, Mihaela Badea, Rodica Olar, Dana Marinescu, Veronica Lazar
    2nd FEMS Microbiology Congress, Madrid, Spain, 4-8 July 2006, poster, Book of abstracts pg. 506.
  8. Thermal stability of some new complexes bearing ligands with polymerizable groups
    Mihaela Badea, Rodica Olar, Dana Marinescu, Eugen Segal, Andrei Rotaru
    9th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry - ESTAC9, Krakow, Poland, 27-31 August 2006, poster FPL-P01, Book of abstracts pg. 28.
  9. Thermal behavior of some new complexes with mixed ligands
    Mihaela Badea, Rodica Olar, Dana Marinescu
    9th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry - ESTAC9, Krakow, Poland, 27-31 August 2006, poster FPL-P02, Book of abstracts pg. 29.
  10. Complexes with mixed ligands displaying antibacterial and antifungal activities
    Mihaela Badea, Rodica Olar, Dana Marinescu, Octavian Niculescu and Florica Niculescu
    ICOSECS 5 - International Conference of the Chemical Societies of the South-East European Countries, Ohrid, Macedonia, 10-13 September 2006, poster, Book of abstracts pg. 29.

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